Nights in Reverse release “Freedom” and its making us reach for the sky.
One of those days
It’s Friday and we’re all feeling good. Cruising through Malta on one of these days is glorious. Especially from the fact Nights in Reverse are coursing through our speakers again. Freedom is the feeling.
Back up the stairs to Ian’s place, the fans are set to level three. The air conditioning is maxed out and a few sweaty iced coffees are in hand. Overlooking the famous Grand Harbour, the home office is chilled – especially considering hot Malta.
KDN Q + BETA95 = Nights in Reverse
They say friends that show you new music are important. It’s a random act of kindness that should be adopted by all man-kind.
We were last introduced to us by our friend Fattima Mahdi. She showed us The Feelin’ by the pair the KDN Q & BETA95 who make up Nights in Reserve.
Let’s just say the audio attraction was instant. We’re still glitching to the visuals of the music video.
The question after that was when these guys were going to release again. After going halfway through my Release Radar, this beauty came along.
“Freedom” through breakbeats
It’s fair to say that we’ve pulled up “Freedom” already quite a few times. Bless the Release Radar from Spotify. We’re happily awaiting the next release from the duo.
If breakbeats put you in the mood, then we can only recommend.
Jam on through with Nights in Reverse
More coffees in the making. High afternoon sun. The home office is feeling damn good. We can only recommend “Freedom” as your soundtrack.
Get out there and (if you can) jump into the sea – the day is yours.