
Kunt & The Gang – Minor Celebrity & Scourge of Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Kunt & The Gang now lovingly known as The Kunts is a UK-based musical comedy performer who’s been around since 2003 and still holds a cult following of hardcore fans.

Read on to see what makes the Kunt click.

Kunt & The Gang were promoting his new book i, Kunt about his rise to a minor Internet celebrity it was only right that we would reach to The Kunt.

What’s up Kunt. thanks for taking the time to talk with us.

My pleasure, wanks very much for having me

.Would you like to fill us in on who you are?

I am Kunt from Kunt & The Gang, probably Basildon’s third most famous music act, after Depeche Mode and Yazoo.

Just like the aforementioned bands, my music is predominantly made on synthesizers,

Because unlike the aforementioned bands a large proportion of the songs in my repertoire are about paedos and wanking.

Kunt & The Gang dark English humor

Would say your act is dark English humor that most don’t get?

I am not sure whether it’s to do with the English sense of humor,

Thereare plenty of Brits who can’t stand my act. I do try and write about universal themes that everyone around the globe can relate to,

Like love and loss – in Wanking Over A Pornographic Polaroid of An Ex-Girlfriend Who Died – and compromise – in Use My Arsehole As A Cunt.

This I think transcends nationality.

I played in Australia a few years back to mixed responses, and I’ve got a handful of Americans who I know like what I do,

Plus two French blokes and a German.

Kunt & The Gang
Kunt & The Gang

Working on the creative process

You stopped touring in 2016 is there a reason for that?

So I packed up playing live in 2016 because after around 10 years of relentless gigging.

It felt like I’d got stuck in a constant cycle of touring, organizing the tours, promoting the tours, and then touring again.

To be honest and don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the madness and banter of the gigs but I had a backlog of ideas and felt frustrated

but I never had enough time to sit and work on the creative process, which was why I started doing it all in the first place.

That’s because when I stopped gigging I had a productive year of writing until my dwindling pot of cash ran out and I had to get a proper job,

and it;’s fucking rubbish so it has made me think that maybe touring wasn’t so bad after all.

Kunt & The Gang Fucksticks

Everyone is offended by everything in 2019, what are your thoughts on this? 

I wouldn’t like to say, for fear of upsetting some whingeing snowflake cunt.

Can we expect any new music from you this year to offend everyone?

I am recording my pipe-dream punk album, Kunt & The Gang’s Punk In Your Face later this year.

It will be the first time for about eight years I’ve been in the studio with a band,

The last time was when I recorded some different versions of my single Fucksticks to try and get it into the UK chart Top 40 (it didn’t. It got to number 63)

Washing his cock in the pub toilets

What the hell goes through your head when writing music/Cockumentary?

I get most of my ideas from everyday life,

I was once at the sink in the pub toilets when some bloke walked in and asked what the hell I was doing.

When I explained I’d come to the pub straight from work and I was washing my cock in case I got lucky, he said,

“You should write a song about that.” So, I did.


Kunt & The Gang iKunt

Are you sure you didn’t like sucking off Dave the bricklayer?

As I said in the song, I didn’t like it.

Do you have any favorite tracks from your discography?

I feel like the track A Lonely Wank In A Travelodge sums up pretty much everything about my career.

You have just released a book titled i, Kunt would you like to tell us about that?

In the year after I quit touring, I started jotting down some of the more bizarre incidents that had happened at gigs.

I was never a big enough success to have my own dressing room, Every night, I would mix with the people who had come along to see me,

Misjudged advertising campaign

As well as having to pose for over a thousand sweaty selfies every tour

there were instances where I would often end up arguing, grappling, and have to listen to a tsunami of terrible song ideas,

or getting handed tissues full of warm ejaculate.

On top of this, whilst touring I’d been banned from Butlins,

Assassinated with piss and been the scourge of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival after a misjudged advertising campaign featuring stickers of a crudely drawn cock and bollocks.

When I put these stories onto paper it threw up more memories of all the odd things that had happened over the years.

Leading up to my minor internet success, and it eventually became my autobiography i, Kunt (how I became and remained a minor internet hit singer)

Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage

Any final thoughts you would like to put across?

Yes.I think I speak for everyone in the UK when I say that I’d like to apologize to the rest of the world on behalf of all of us here for the fucking shambles that is Brexit.

Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage told everyone if they voted to leave,

that all the money we pay the EU would be spent on The National Health Service,

They said we would be able to stop foreigners coming in so that’s why we’re leaving.

Hopefully, we’ll all get past this little blip and can still be friends”.

Kunt & The Gang Social

Photography Courtesy: Nobby Clark & Kunt

Written by Ian Hinksman

Ian Hinksman is the Director and Co-Founder of Underground Sound. He leads the organization with over a decade of experience in the music and events industries.

Ian was the Co-Founder of Alternative Obsessions, an event promotion that brought alternative bands to Malta running guerrilla marketing campaigns.

He has managed projects in the media, marketing and real estate sectors and is well-versed in SEO content strategy.

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