Decline the Fall are five guys, who came together to form a group that isn’t quite your traditional metalcore band.
Down to earth with a balled up fist
What looks like KISS and Bullet for My Valentine had an unholy child, actually turned out to be something much more entirely.
Five enthusiastic and down-to-earth locals, that really stand behind their music and love to send a message out there – even if that message comes with a balled fist and a growling punch to the gut.
I met the guys in their studio in Birkirkara and asked them some questions to dissect what Decline the Fall is all about.
Decline The Fall chat with us
Decline the Fall. Tell me the story behind that it.
“Well, when we started, we had a completely different lineup – four different people. But you know how it is, people started to leave and I was giving up. But that’s exactly the meaning behind the phrase, “Decline the Fall”. Basically never give up, decline your fall.”.
What are your influences? And how have they influenced what Decline the Fall does today?
“The good thing about our band is that we have so many different influences.
While we might not always agree on everything right away, we always somehow find the middle ground and create a unique mixture of influences that everyone’s happy with.
As for what got us into music…everything from Papa Roach, Linkin Park, The Offspring, Iron Maiden, and Metallica. So the typical stuff that every metalhead sort of grew up with”.
Who clashes with who the most? Musically speaking?
I think it’s us four with Matthew.
Nah man, I disagree. At the start maybe, but I think we’ve grown as a band and as friends, so that certainly isn’t so much the case anymore.
To be honest, it’s Ehren and me against Kris and Matthew. But I think we always find a common ground in the end. Fabio is always somewhat in the middle I think..

Bullet for My Valentine vibe
We watched your music video for “Composing Madness” and it definitely gave off a strong Bullet for My Valentine vibe. Thoughts on that?
“Yeah, for sure. It’s very metalcore indeed, so we don’t have a problem being compared with them whatsoever. It’s also not the first time we heard that.
We really don’t like labeling ourselves really, However, the comparison wouldn’t be a bad one to make.
The whole band dynamic itself, how would you describe it?
“We just came back from a holiday together. So that should tell you everything you need to know, we’re very much friends. Best friends, really. Some of us know each other for 10 years, so we’re definitely a small family if you will. Malta is a small place, so some of us even went to the same school”.
The secret behind songwriting
Directed at John as a vocalist; What’s your secret behind songwriting?
Do you write the lyrics first and then tie it into the composed music or vice versa? How does it work with you guys?
Sometimes, I write the lyrics or take some that I wrote before and adjust them to the riffs Matthew writes,
it really depends on the song and the situation, I guess. When we start a new song,
If it gives me a certain feel and we have a verse written, for example, I will see if the words fit and then we take it from there.
The chorus is what I focus on the most, the hook has to be on point. The rest I’ll sort of fit around the song, but as I said – it never really stays the same”.
What’s your favorite song you’ve written so far personally and which one do you think flies best with the audience?
“ While we’d love to choose just one song, it’s really impossible to do so, since everyone has a different opinion on that.
The Darkest Side of Love for certain is a banger, it’s also the newest one we have. Think Twice has a very deep meaning to it and the first time we played it live certainly had a very emotional feel to it.
Honestly, We cover a lot of topics and this one is about suicide, a topic we feel isn’t talked about enough. So as you can see, our choices vary a lot in that regard, but really we love all our songs equally.
What’s unique about Decline The Fall
John, Tell me something about your band members. Each one and what’s unique about them musically and personally.
Let’s start with Ehren our drummer.
He’s probably the one I’m the closest to, so personally, he really is like a brother to me. Musically…I have to say, he knows how to keep things simple. I love that about him, a lot of drummers over-complicate things and muddle the experience, he always knows what to play and when to play it.
Kris – who plays rhythm guitar – is sort of our “Dad”. Being the oldest in the band and he always looks out for all of us. Musically speaking for a chorus, he’s always able to find the right notes to help me out.
Our lead guitarist, Matthew, is probably the most complicated guy, we barely agree on one thing, but we’re still best friends. There’s also no one I can imagine who could write better melodies, at least not for this band.
And Fabio, our bassist, is the guy we pick on *laughs*. Jokes aside, without him the band would be fucking boring, he always makes us laugh. As a bassist he’s definitely underrated too, he’s pretty good at what he does.
War paint
What’s the story with the symbols on your faces? Who came up with it and does it have a meaning?
“It’s our warpaint. That’s literally it. The idea of the uniform is, Decline the Fall – when we’re on stage, we fight and we have to have our warpaint. We all do our own makeup, so everyone chooses the design for themselves”.
John. You’re the vocalist, so tell me a little about that.
What’s your role model when it comes to shouts? Do you practice every day, what’s your pre-gig routine?
To be honest, when it comes to shouts I would have to say ex-vocalist of Killswitch Engage, Howard Jones. I don’t really practice every day,
I try to but sometimes it doesn’t happen, work, etc you know yourself. My pre-gig routine really is just vodka lemon, I have no idea why – but it just works.

What advice would you give to the younger generation of metal fans in Malta?
My advice would be: If you want something, like starting a band, for example, fucking work hard for it. If you don’t work hard enough, you won’t achieve anything. Some people have the mentality of staying in Malta when really we have to compete with the rest of the world. Think big.
Ambition is lacking. As for getting acquainted with the scene, I’d say just check out the gigs that are there and start talking to people. I’m sure you’ll find it easy enough to find like-minded people out there.
A gem in the scene
Decline the Fall are definitely a gem of the Maltese metal scene and after the interview,
I had the pleasure of listening to some of their punchy songs myself, played live in front of me. Damn, I should’ve brought earplugs.
Those guys are loud, energetic and just the right amount of melodic, be sure to check them out. If you’re a fan of sick riffs accompanied by beautiful melodies and jumpy hooks, you certainly won’t regret it.
Decline The Fall Social
Photos and videos courtesy of by: Decline the Fall Keith Darmanin[ Rejects Photography